Saturday, July 7, 2012

Don't Go 4 Wheeling in a Ford Focus

We did some back road exploring this afternoon in the middle of farm country near our suburban home. We ended up on a literal road to nowhere (it ended with a dirt road left & right). Along the way there we passed through standing water (it looked like it was from an irrigation leak) at one juncture and sand across the road at a wash left from the 4th of July rain. On the way back my husband misjudged the sand on the other side of the road and in a Gomer Pyle moment (Shazam!) we were stuck. It reached 109 today here in the Valley of the Sun. Thanks to the kindness of a stranger passing by who had shovels in the back of his truck (digging out didn't work) and then the farmer with a tractor he summoned, we were on our way after only 2 hours. Luckily we had plenty of gas (the car exhaust was unobstructed so we ran the air) and something to drink. I didn't kill my husband when he misjudged the sand & got stuck. I was frustrated but kept my cool when my cell phone had poor reception. That made calling AAA challenging although my husband finally got through while waiting for the farmer to arrive with his tractor. I even restrained myself from killing him when after all of that, my husband reached in his pocket and pulled out his work issued cell phone (plenty of bars) that he forgot was there. Fifteen minutes later the farmer came with his tractor and we were able to cancel AAA. We had to remain calm because our son was with us. He picks up on the emotions of those around him and easily overloads. I am proud to say that our son did not meltdown at all, not even when his father helped him pee outside in the hot sand. This is the second car emergency our son has dealt with in the past week. Last Sunday morning he and the woman who works with him were at the park in our housing development half a mile from the house and my car battery died (another AAA call as it is their warranted battery). When I didn't answer my cell phone (it needed to be charged) nor did my husband (his was dead too), they walked home. My son didn't meltdown then either. He has come so far in the past few years! I'm still thinking about killing my husband after my son goes to sleep, but I'll probably be over it by then. In a few months we'll be married 14 years. With him life is a series of little misadventures. I should be used to it by now. We make a pretty good team though. I'm the one who spotted the kind stranger driving by and my husband flagged him down. I'm the one who reminded him we pay AAA annually and he walked around until he could get a call out. When we got home we took a refreshing dip in our pool (another of his misadventures spanning a month of weekends to set up a "portable" above ground pool in a box) and everything looked much better. Tomorrow we'll laugh about our attempt at 4 wheeling in our Ford Focus and maybe we'll even choose another back road to explore.

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