Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Have a Big Chest

A month ago I had a health scare. My blood pressure spiked while my husband was hospitalized with diverticulitis and then underwent a cardiac catherization (it was negative, he is fine). My EKG showed abnormal waves that could mean at some time in the past I had a heart attack or, according to my cardiologist (the same one who 2 years ago placed a stent in my asymptomatic husband's heart 2 cm from what they commonly call the "widow maker" to open a 99% blockage before he had one of those silent, but deadly heart attacks), it could just mean that I have a big chest. Wednesday I had an echocardiogram and a stress test. Besides being overweight and out of shape, my heart is working well. No previous heart attack (BTW, that I don't remember having), no cardiac damage of any kind. Great blood flow. Obviously I just have a large chest! However, it is a wake up call to change my life style and take care of myself. I don't need to be hit over the head again. So, since getting cleared last Wednesday by the cardiologist to exercise with no restrictions (this was a week before the echocardiogram & stress test), I've been using the SpoFit treadmill and treading water while my son is in school. I can no longer afford not to exercise and change my diet. I didn't like the alternatives especially now that my son has turned a corner. We all worked way too hard for me not to be around to enjoy the good stuff and celebrate my son's hard earned progress. I've given up my Focus office for the SpoFit and they have wifi! What more could I ask? ;)

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