Every time a well meaning person justifies life by telling me that everything happens according to God's Plan, I just want to kick their God's a$$. I've been extremely "blessed." I have the resources within myself necessary to cope with all the challenges that I've encountered in life and even to learn from those experiences. For me, I say to that God, "Bring it on!" However, my son and and all of the other innocent children, are another story. My first few weeks practicing in Family Court quickly taught me that some things are beyond my ken. I stopped asking "Why" and relied on my faith to see me through.
Life isn't easy and it isn't fair. Much of life may be beyond my ken, but I refuse to believe in a God who would purposely make innocent children or anyone else suffer just so they provide others with the opportunity to learn from their experiences or for some other inane reason. I believe in the God of Love who does not micromanage in order to teach us lessons.
Dignity Health, my husband's employer, believes that Human Kindness (https://hellohumankindness.org/) is the Humanity that connects us all and recently launched a campaign to remind us of this. Human Kindness is powerful medicine and we already are kind. I believe in the miracle of Human Kindness because I know the God of Love dwells within each of us. I am reminded of this truth every time I remember to look for God in someone else's eyes; especially the eyes of those I love. Our eyes truly are the windows to our souls. Our challenge is to share God's Love found within each of us with one another so we each can better deal with a life that isn't easy or fair. That's God's plan.
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